Select your plan

Reactive Re-Rating ⚙️

☑️ Re-rating interface
☑️ Automatic re-rating for auto 🚘 and home 🏠
☑️ Daily reactive re-rating
☑️ Multiquoter costs included
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Re-Rating Pro 🤖

☑️ Everything included in Reactive Re-Rating ⚙️
☑️ AI model for detecting cancellations in the pre-renewal portfolio
☑️ ERP integration
☑️ Results dashboard
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Broker Premium 💎

☑️ Everything included in Re-Rating Pro 🤖
☑️ CRM with unlimited users
☑️ Unlimited customer segmentation with AI
☑️ 10,000 personalized emails and 1,000 SMS per month
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*The price varies based on the number of active policies in the portfolio.


Ideal for exclusive agency networks of insurance companies.
☑️ AI algorithm to anticipate policy churn
☑️ AI algorithm for cross-selling in personal and commercial lines
☑️ Explanation of AI recommendations
☑️ Integration with the agency’s CRM
☑️ Sales reminders for agents
☑️ Performance dashboard by agent and agency
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Brokers Básico ⚡️

☑️ Algoritmo de IA de prevención de fuga
☑️ Algoritmo de IA de venta cruzada
☑️ Explicabilidad  de IA
☑️ Integración con ERP
Solicitar precio*

Brokers Pro 🔥

☑️ Todo lo de Brokers Básico
☑️ Lanzadera digital - Email, SMS, Whatsapp
☑️ +20 plantillas prontas para utilizar
☑️ Gestión comercial de colaboradores
☑️ Cuadro de mando de rendimiento
Solicitar precio*
*Precio varia sobre pólizas activas

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